Decoding Liberals: Trying to understand the mind working process of liberals.

A criticism of the left wing or the so called liberals.

7 min readAug 14, 2020

Originally, I wanted to title this post as “Liberals: the obsession with good” but I have already written a post on the adversary of liberals as “Decoding Bhakts” so, now this title complements that post. But why the obsession with good? , because they are obsessed with good. Trying to become good is at the core of liberals. They believe in being progressive. Advocating what is against the morally virtuous world gives them great satisfaction. Liberals try to bring a positive change in the world; they are at the forefront of destroying stereotypes. They are vocal for the betterment of all parts of society. They are good people, and they always try to be better. In its purest form liberalism is the best group to follow. And it is easy to convert into liberalism; you only have to say four holy words “I am a liberal”.

Anti-liberal may argue that hate is in the core of Liberals as faith is in the hearts of Bhakts. As they see many liberal talks about everything against something actually right, There may be a substantial number of hateful liberals out there. But hate is not at the core of liberalism. Then anti-liberal would ask; why liberals are so radical?

There are only two things that can make a person radical. The first one is religion, and the second is to be good. If you ponder on it, you will realize that religious extremists are also trying to be good because their faith says that spreading your religion is the best thing you can do for the divinity. Our religion is the best because it makes everyone around us an ethical person. When everyone around us would follow the path of our religion, the world will become a better place. Hence we will convert this earth into a paradise. Isn’t it a good thing? It’s is true; whenever people try to do something good, they end up ruining something else.

criticism of liberals
decoding liberals

The actual problem is that sometimes good is subjective. Most of the time, everyone agrees with what is good for the country or society, but on a few topics, they do not agree with each other. Suppose you conduct a survey asking Indians, what should we build more schools or temples? The majority of the population is going to say we should construct more schools. There is an agreement on this topic because it is a good or better thing to build more schools then temples. Now ask, what should we make the Ram temple or the school? Now there is going to be a disagreement. The person who is vouching for the temple thinks that it is an exceptional case where we should build a temple to fight against the injustice against Hindus. On the other side, liberals are using the same logic that building a school is always better than constructing a temple. And now the same question becomes the biggest problem in the country.

It is like choosing a mobile phone between Apple and Pixel, both phones are best in their respective field, but there are few features in Apple that one person likes, and there are some features in Pixel that other people like. It is their own choice that they choose. Both phones have different characteristics hence different people like them. You cannot judge what the other person likes or dislike. Most people do not respect another person’s judgment, and that becomes the reason for this whole big quarrel.

One other problem with liberals is that they try to impose different kinds of Ideas on others, for example, secularism (meaning not relating to any religious matter). Secularism is a great idea, and I think every country should follow it. But liberals always say people to be secular. People have given the constitutional right to stick to whatever religion he/she wants, so asking to be secular goes against the fundamental idea of freedom. An institute or organization must be secular, but demanding people to be secular is stupid.

Liberal is synonymous to good, so when you call yourself a liberal, you agree to be good, you get ready to stand up against anyone whoever is wrong. And who is wrong? Everyone who is not liberal. It does not matter if you understand liberalism, proclaiming yourself as a liberal empowers you. In its true sense, it liberates you. It also gives you immense power because after becoming good you get to be morally superiors to others, and you can give your two cents of knowledge to others. That’s why you see so many liberal accounts on twitter and YouTube lecturing others on ethics. Now it’s a tried and tested formula, and many have become famous. So gullible persons start calling themselves liberal.

Liberals care about the world. They think for the betterment of it. At the same time, they know that there’s a lot of inequalities and suffering in the world; it makes them sad. On social media, liberals Mostly follow liberal pages. Subsequently, they get liberal material. Liberal material shows what wrongdoing is happening around the world, so your mantle starts to deteriorate. And if you live in a country where the government is not so-called liberal then you will get material how the government is cruel and trying to kill minorities. Otherwise, you’ll get content on how some other country’s government is cruel and trying to kill minorities. When you realize how the government is not helping the weak and lower-class people, instead, it is trying to hurt weaker sections of society; you become left-liberal. Being a Left-Liberal can be the worst thing for your mental health.

Believing in something only gives you confidence, it does not provide you clarity. Similarly, when you believe in good, it also gives you confidence; Confidence in what you are doing, but not the clarity of whether you are doing it right or wrong. You are a believer of good, and there are a lot of people who (according to you) are against the good, so you do not like them, at the same time, there are also people who are a believer of good similar to you. So you do like them and try to support them. Identity plays a major role here. They identify who is a bad person and who is good. Once you have leveled as a one, there is no chance that you can change it. If you have leveled as a good person( most likely you are a liberal), you will enjoy the liberal support online and in real life. On the other side, if you have leveled as a bad person( certainly not a liberal) you are going to be abused and tortured wherever you are.

Liberal identify what is wrong and what is right and then make rigid rules for everyone; they do not ask for the consent of others. These rules are like an unwritten Bible for liberals. These rules work as boundaries, and no matter who you are, you can not cross these boundaries. Every comment you make, every post you share is going to be judged based on these rules. This Bible keeps getting updates and shares with everyone with the help of social media. No matter if you like this new update or not, you are going to brainwash to like this new rule.

Most of the time, these rules are agreeable by everyone, but the few rules based on subjective good. One example of this is that when liberals term a political party as fascist, the party is going to face full-on war with the liberals. No matter how substantial margin this party wins in the next election, the party, still going to be treated the same way.

Not everything under this post indeed applies to every liberal. Liberalism is like a spectrum; there are different kinds of liberals:

Actual liberals or Perfect Liberals: the first paragraph talks about these

Stupid liberals: these don’t know what is good and bad about liberal. These kinds usually say you should not ban beef instead ban the rapes. Becoming liberal doesn’t make you smart.

Mislead liberals: Those liberals who only follow one kind of social media page which shares propaganda converts into mislead liberals. Talking to these is a nightmare.

Fake liberals: The ones who are on an online platform and the ones related to show business where you have to present yourself is a good person pretends to be liberal (of course not all of them). These just want to survive. So I do not mind them.

Resentful liberals: There is always some section of society which feels that they are being treated wrongfully. These sections of people see liberals going against the cause of that mistreatment. So they start to support liberals. The common enemy makes them friends. I don’t want to give examples of this kind.

Left-liberals: Most radical of all the liberals. When you see one, just run away.

This is the part where I tell you how to convert a liberal into an ordinary person, but to be honest, I don’t know how you finish someone’s obsession with the good. Only self-realization of “how big on a maniac I have become” or “ my mantle health has ruined ”can solve this.
In conclusion, I can only say that being liberal is good. At the same time, willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own is also liberalism and forgetting this just converts liberalism into an Abrahamic religion. A religion which rewards brotherhood for believers and crusade for disbelievers. A religion where good is the god.




I criticize the left, I criticize the right, and I criticize myself. I guess that’s the best way to improve.